April 6th & 8th 2011
Blog #31 Confessions and dreams of a middle age woman

Ok.. this is now Friday (the above started on Tuesday)… I have been to the mental Health Course and thought I would share some info with you… It is an amazing course and it is free! Wow. Ok, so it is sponsored by the Canadian Mental Health Association. It should be available in Victoria.. It is there Education course. Again, after 1 week I can tell you it is a good course thus far. So some of things I learned about Mental Health…
It affects 1 in 5 Canadians at one point in their life.

There are 10 Major Life Areas
- Family - Emotional - Work - Health - Spiritual - Finances - Friends - Personal Relationships - Legal - Leisure
When 1 areas becomes out of balance it affects all the areas.. (common sense)
When trying to define Mental Illness it breaks down to this > A SEVERE PATTERN…. An imbalance that is seen in one area or more that affects all the areas.
Our homework is to look at all our areas.. reflect… and write down all of our problems… ugh! Then come up with 3 Global goals to work on and achieve by week 8. And come up with weekly goals that work towards attaining that global goal. And 1 of those goals has to be a self care goal… I hate those the most!
Sooooooo……. Lots to think about! This is a real hard thing for me Tania. You do it so well, it’s almost ‘natural’ but I do it so badly! I don’t even know where to start… Setting goals for other things.. easy..myself..hard. Hey, maybe that’s a mental health disorder…lol… ;)
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