Sunday, August 11, 2013

watching it all change right before my eyes

the girl went camping for 3 days without me
and i was fine. 
the whole time, 

i saw sweet Tejan in the store for the first time
since i stopped working from home
and he didn't want to talk to me
and i understood completely.
( he was so tall!)

i was about thinking about visiting my favorite 4 year old this week
and i realized i have two favorite 4 year olds now,
and that there is room for both in my heart

i am about to make my first solo road trip off the island,
i am going away for a week without anyone from my house!
alone in the car, just me.

i no longer miss dairy,
unless it's pizza we are discussing.

i can see the other side now,
glimpses of life without full time responsibilities at home,
the side where my children have their own lives and i love that,
rather than dread it.

friendships are made that never ever seemed likely
and friendships end that i thought would last forever.

priorities shift, thoughts soften, time takes on a new rhythm,
goals change, bodies shift shape, perspectives alter.

dreams fade from sight or light up the night sky
depending on the season.

and i remember that even as everything changes around me,
i am on  track.
i am on the track that is there especially for me
and that it is not at all like i expected
or even wanted some days,
but it is exactly right for me.
there is a solidness there that i appreciate.


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