Monday, January 3, 2011

A few confessions of my own....

january 4th...
Dear Suzy,
I woke up yesterday morning and eagerly came to check out your blog was/is beautiful. It stopped me in my sleepy state and said "look at me...this is serious..i am going to do this thing!" I felt proud and honoured to be reading your post to me, little old me. You used fancy words and included art! Art! Oh, how I love art. How I miss here is the list of confessions all prompted by your blog post yesterday...
         i am easily intimidated by others. way to easily. you are a dear and cherished friend whose blog post threw me into a mini panic. i struggled not to include pictures in this post, just because you included them in yours. ridiculous you say? yes, but true. i will include photos and art and other lovelies, i know i will, but not because i feel i need to "match" your post but because, like you, i felt led to share them...

          i too am on a major journey of change. i often/never talk about my inner processings because i can't bear the thought of failing/letting people down/not measuring up. My goals and dreams are vastly different from you, and I too will share them slowly but sharing them will be hard and risky and painful and brave. very. very. brave.
         i didn't actually wait until today to write this. i wrote this yesterday and changed the tense so it looks like i wrote it today so we can keep on our schedule...dork! yes I am.

So there are my confessions for now. I have pages filled in a notebook already with questions I need to ask myself and answer this year. In response to your post, I need to say that I am so grateful that you followed your love of art, not of money and became the art teacher at Lighthouse. How else would we have met? How else would we have travelled to Mexico together? How else would we have shared the joys and heartaches of parenting together? I am so very very thankful for you following your artsy ways, but I am right behind you, solidly, as you begin the next journey of your life. Isn't it liberating and awesome to have the blessing of change and choice?  I leave us for today with this...

"It's not who you are that holds you back. It's who you think you're not."

1 comment:

  1. Tania, please bring on the pictures! I love your art and I have been so inspired by your art over the past four years! As I told you before, you could easily be teaching art! Thanks for sharing. I too value and treasure our times and travels together. It has not been easy has it. We have faced many difficulties. Hopefully the growth from them will benefit us :)... I'm going to think about todays blog now.... I'm really enjoying this! Thanks Tania.
